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Liftoff: Alien Extermination
Liftoff: Alien Extermination

Liftoff: Alien Extermination

by SilverBack_Lion

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Mission Critical!: We had the unfortunate experience of being invaded by alien species at our regular launch site (Launchpad park) and our test site (Universe Adventures: Out of Orbit), but now we have interigated captives enough and broken langauges to discover who is behind this horrible attack and where this alien leader is located. It is located on a world that It has taken control of lights years away. It is preparing for a final strike of our planet; it wants our rich resources. We have the right tools and the willpower to go there and destroy this entity! Therefore we are calling on you, our greatest space warrior. We will launch from our most top secret launch site that you didn't know of until now. You will launch from the Planet, travel through warm holes while avoiding a massive black hole, and enter this captured world to destroy this alien leader which can only be destroyed by fire. DO NOT ENGAGE ANYTHING ELSE, except those protecting this leader. Good Luck and return home safely! SUIT UP!!!!!