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Modern Art Train Station, Exhibit, Vendors, Staff and Habitat Attachment Areas
Modern Art Train Station, Exhibit, Vendors, Staff and Habitat Attachment Areas

Modern Art Train Station, Exhibit, Vendors, Staff and Habitat Attachment Areas

by ImanIdgit

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INSTRUCTIONS: FOLLOW CAREFULLY!!! When placing the building, the key to flat ground alignment is by watching the Jeeps' wheels. If the wheels are slightly above ground level, you nailed it. You can get close enough for placement without being perfect, but make sure the wheels never go below ground level. If they appear to be an inch or two off of the ground, you are good to go. When placing the exit, use 4m path and turn off Path Joining or it will connect with the bathroom in the brown building. Run the path past the bathroom and connect it afterwards. If placement is proper, there will be a 'ramp' down to the bathroom. I used 3m queue path for the entrance, but it is not a straight run to the outside. Run the queue in 1m increments, you'll get it. I had three habitats 'attached' to this station, with 2 habitat gates as part of the structure. (To the left of the Jeeps, and under the station. MY creation had the paths joining over a small pond, connecting to the main 8m path running through the building.