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No Risk No Fun (V1.4) (12+ // war theme)
No Risk No Fun (V1.4) (12+ // war theme)

No Risk No Fun (V1.4) (12+ // war theme)

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[For players older than 12 years // war theme!] HINT: Be sure to place this ride on the flat ground, to hide all effects and have a clear line of fire for the tanks. DESCRIPTION: Between ourselves - are you sometimes tired of all that colorful, peaceful atmosphere in all these parks, too? Want to feel like in a FPS on extrem-hard, when your ammo is getting low and your HP are under 10?! If the anwer is YES - or you want to share that feeling with your (stupid) guests - try "No Risk No Fun". A simple track, well visible targets and 5 tanks with different ammo types. Mega funny, the most people thing, these are special effects - lol. Okay, we removed a few kN of the warheads, so they are a few % less deadlier (to protect the target cars). But nothing you shouldn't worry about, when you enter this ride and face 120mm smoothbore cannons. Ask Sgt. Paula or Cpt.- Kilgore, Soldier! ;)