Wolverine Reborn and Iron Timbers
by oik520
What would happen if Michigan's Adventure RMC'd both their wooden coasters? Find out in this park! Wolverine Wildcat has been turned into Wolverine Reborn, a small-scale RMC with a 120-foot drop and two thrilling inversions mixed in with numerous airtime hills and turns. Iron Timbers converts Shivering Timbers into a monstrous 200-foot tall RMC! The ride drops down the lifthill, then goes into a thrilling Zero-G stall. Following that, it goes into a speed hill, immediately followed by a huge floater airtime hill. Then you do a stalled dive loop of sorts, then into another airtime hill. Then you eventually hit the midcourse, and weave your way through the former helix, replaced by bunny hills that deliver strong ejector airtime, then the final inversion, a cutback. Then you enter a "Giggle roll," ala Slinky Dog Dash. Then you turn arount and pop up into the brakes. Hope you enjoy! …