Simple Small Education Stand
by Dagger
19086 mods
by Dagger
by Kingpin
WIP Zoo, yT/Kingpin …
by Zoolargo
Lemur gibbon or monkay habitat …
by Dinosrule98
by Dinosrule98
by Parky711
by PlasticSwans
Starter combined habitat for ostriches and warthogs. No research, no unlocking! Use right away and add enrichments as you progress! …
by Sphynx666
Black version, Recoloreable. Enjoy …
by TheTooner47
Animal feed and gumball dispensers that can be both used as decorations in your zoos and parks. The gumball dispenser can be used to fill in little blank spaces inside and outside of buildings, while the animal feed dispenser can be used outside of animal enclosures or petting zoos. Both of them are recolorable. …
by TheYellowTiger
The zoo is done! Welcome to Babylon Zoo! Opened in 2018, this zoo in Dubai was built as a monument to the great ancient Mesopotamian/Iranian city of Babylon. Founded as a small port on the Euphrates River over 4,000 years ago, it became a major city under the rule of King Hammurabi. It would become the capital of the Neo-Babylonian Empire during the 7th and 6th centuries BC. Come to this lush desert oasis to enjoy stunning Babylonian recreations such as Marduk Temple, Ishtar Gate and the Hanging Gardens (with over 7000 plants). An urban jungle inspired by Mesopotamian architecture, backdropped with vibrant gardens and many species, some that would have called the Middle East home 2500 years ago. Note: Complexity is around 88-90%. …
by Wootdif-
by CoombesCreate
Caiman Cafe is a place for your guests to eat within an indoor caiman habitat. Lower until the red guideline disappears underground and then add water. …
by Kevin
by GigaNuttz
by PlasticSwans
Starter habitat for ~10 wolves. Base game Planet Zoo pieces only, no research, no unlocking! Use right away and add enrichments as you progress. …
by Kreed
by XLandon25X
by Farva
Section 3 of big zoo. New DLC addition Lar Gibbon! new area still WIP. Asia/India theme and animals. 56% WIP. Custom and modified workshop habitats. Thx to community for ideas and designs. Thumbs up! …