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First Build Challenge - Planet LV-1207 Relocation Outpost.                                             Episode 1: The Inspection
First Build Challenge - Planet LV-1207 Relocation Outpost.                                             Episode 1: The Inspection

First Build Challenge - Planet LV-1207 Relocation Outpost. Episode 1: The Inspection

by c0LdSore_0mg

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In the late 23rd century space exploration had reached new heights. Coldsore Corporation (CSC) initiated the planetary "Plant and Animal Relocation Program" - code named "PAR". Each life viable planet is ***igned a caretaker - aka Shepherds. You are CSC Inspector on your first ***ignment. Departed from the nearest subspace station to arrive at 0500 hours to the life viable outpost on LV-1207. After a distress call, scheduled radio contact with the Shepherd was lost 3 days ago. You are tasked with investigating the outpost and checking in on the welfare of the animals. You are to report back to CSC headquarters. LV-1207 statistics: CSC Shepherd's time served - 2 years, 7 months, and 5 days. History - formerly a hybrid plant research facility 38 years prior. Atmospheric Conditions - Optimal, trace amounts of elevated N20 and gravity fluctuations. Seismic Activity - Moderate. Water Supply - Abundance. Power 83% Functional. Indigenous Life - Inconclusive, proceed with caution. You are cleared to land at LV-1207-A