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Falcon fair 21st
Falcon fair 21st

Falcon fair 21st

by Crispy_reindeer0

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Expansion continues at record breaking falcon fair! There was a record number of changes on the main ground, the most noticeable was the absence of the twin big wheels! This had been an iconic feature since the beginning and will be missed by fans of my series. For the 21st fair, however, their place was taken by dragon coaster. Another long standing feature, the Ramba zamba which had been a regular for 15 seasons straight. Orbitor (from the top row) had replaced Ramba zamba! Other new rides were terminator (on orbitor's old plot), rotor, sidewinder, Superbowl, magic twirl, thriller express and shocker. Some old favourites made a welcome return such as the skydiver, zipper, invader,Big thriller wheel, ghost train, Wild cats (previously people mover), meteorite and rock o plane. Alpine express and caterpillar had a more modern look (caterpillar now renamed dragon dancer). This season saw more ride plots. While the 21st falcon fair was the biggest yet, plans for future expansion are already underway :)