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2022 Mini Park Contest - King Planco's Villa
2022 Mini Park Contest - King Planco's Villa

2022 Mini Park Contest - King Planco's Villa

by Welfare

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3.3 Mb
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2022 Console Discord Mini-park entry by Welfare. After the events of my previous park King Planco's castle we rejoin to find the king is dead & his castle has fallen into the hands of the evil witch's forces. Months have now come to pass, the remaining loyal subjects have fled south to King Planco's Villa, the Kings once great holiday home. Will the people ever get to back to their homes, what will happen to the witch & her troops? Here in King Planco's Villa we discover the final chapter of this tale. NOTES: the trigger & instructions for the water fountain show are on the entrance roof. The flat rides (Night Flight & Static) should be viewed at night for the best effect. Coaster (Valour) seat view 2. I'd suggest closing the dark ride (Vengence) & viewing in Test mode to avoid spoilers. Please have game sounds on for the rides & fountain show. Lastly please ensure all collisions are set to on or the water will disappear. I hope you enjoy this park submission, please like if you do. thank you.