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Giant Haunted house
Giant Haunted house

Giant Haunted house

by Blestdragoon

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Gigantic haunted house early upload still going to add tons of details, house as of now s hollow, added details but im not done yet as I constantly think of new things to add after I think im finished updated coloring added small stuff this is how far I've gotten for today, this morning i had a eureka moment that I can make my own skeletons with the seperate body parts so expect more of these rattling corpses to show up ps the evil witch moved ino the north western tower, EDIT jan 8 started an extended entrance and the undead opened shop at the west entrance, improved the details out the backside of the house, removed all ground floor railings and rebuild them, re alligned the dirtmounts at the front of the house between the tombs expanded the graveryard on the front right added details to the roofs Note: You might need to shift some scenery as its for whatever reason not leveled, final small update as im just below 4000 parts