Islands of Adventure: Marvel Superhero Island, Toon Lagoon, Seuss Landing & Port of Entry
作成者: Stuf_ano
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Marvel land, Seuss Landing, Toon Lagoon & Port of Entry in Universal Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida. Includes the Hulk coaster, Spider-Man, Dr Doom's Fear Fall, Storm Force, the Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish, CaroSeussel, Popeye, the IoA Tower and Port shops. Plus nods to Dudley Do Right Ripsaw Falls. I didn't make all the rides, just edited & organized them so TY to the creators, especially @lu-wang1 for the perfect recreation of the Spiderman Ride. I added a lot of the scenery, but huge TY to @BlueFalcon316 for the excellent recreation of Port of Entry, Toon Lagoon, and the layout of Marvel Island.