作成者: flexfro
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A fatastic family adventure! Oakbrook sets ou t to give you a wonderful immersive experiance! At 98% comlete and over 500 hours you will travel through the dense jungle inpursuit of a vicious copperhead. If youre lucky enough to esape you can find yourself at the strip.Featuring a carousel, hotel, gift shop and quite a few food vendors. Make your way over to hong kong to ride the worlds most inverted coaster in th dragon but dont forget to try our world famous sushi! Finish y the most eventful night of your life by....If you dare.....Riding the rails of steel vengence, An alpined themed RMC that defys the odds of gravity! Our staff cant wait to meet you ! Driven to have the park in tip top shpe for your arriva! CMON, ...... What are you waiting for!?!?!?!?