Water plants
par Rex gamer
Cattails and weeds …
par Rex gamer
Cattails and weeds …
par Rex gamer
Inspired by geekism on the steam workshop be sure to check out my other 100+uploads …
par Rex gamer
With full interior including kitchen details with stoves and shelves wall outlets and menu with prices and night time lighting and vents ac units and a gumball machine and claw machine.plus cosmic cow ice cream stand outside. Thanks to the guy that made the kitchen stuff and thanks to guy that made the building utilities.but the wall outlets are my creations be sure to check out my other 100+uploads. …
par Rex gamer
Original creation was a sushi truck by professor oakk but i modified it to be a ice cream truck ,be sure to check out my other 100+uploads …
par Rex gamer
Custom re-skin for gulpee soda it would be greatly appreciated if you give me a shout out if you use this in your park also be sure to check out my other 100+uploads …
par Rex gamer
Be sure to check out my other 100+uploads …
par Rex gamer
Credit to planet plipcam for inspiration (be sure to check out my other 100+uploads) i did not make the fork lift so credit to the guy that made that …
par Rex gamer
The dude is for scale (please give credit if used) …
par Rex gamer
Merry Christmas folks …
par Rex gamer
It was originally going to be Jurassic park the ride in universal studios Orlando but then I just changed it a little bit …