The Backrooms test
par SpaceXisLife
Test if backrooms is possible in plan co 2, proof of concept …
par SpaceXisLife
Test if backrooms is possible in plan co 2, proof of concept …
par SpaceXisLife
Made for small parks or an indoor park as i will be doing with it! spent about 9 hours making this, enjoy! lol …
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
A metal and glas fence in a military / sci-fi theme! Made for blocking in coasters or whatever you need! the little tile is there to average the orientation out for east placement, just sink it in the ground or delete when done! Enjoy! …
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
A car for parking lots made out of art shapes, first ever shape build so hopefully you like it it's a bit rought but looks good from far away. Didn't see enough cars in the workshop so i'm gonna try to fix that! …
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
par SpaceXisLife
*IMPORTANT* **DO NOT CONNECT TO TRACK PIECE RIGHT BEFORE SWTICH TRACK. IT MUST BE LINED UP PERFECTLY FOR THIS TO WORK** A proper spike switchtrack layout for you to customize to your heart's content! Make your very own pantheon or tide breaker! just add pieces whaerever you like! Except the end of the track right before the switch track. or um it just wont work. lol …
par SpaceXisLife