Formosan Black Bear Valley
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
A lot of time on this one! I've placed looking over otter enclosure. …
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
Large indoor enclosure for the giant otter. Lower until just seeing the floor, add water and you're away! Please leave a like. Many Thanks …
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
Detailed enclosure for the grizzly bear. I have designed a large waterfall, guest bridge across the valley and a bear cave. Lower until guideline disappears. Please leave a like! Many thanks …
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
par CoombesCreate
Tiger enclosure with climbable mountain and cave in the centre. There is also a cafe overlooking the habitat. Lower until you the staff path meets the ground. Connect paths inside the cafe, then watch the tigers explore! Cheers …
par CoombesCreate
Slight Aisan theme. Ideal for raised position over water. …
par CoombesCreate
A surprise feature in the restaurant that you might like!! Lower so that the staff path meets the ground. Link seating in restaurant and you're sorted. …