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Runner's Farm (PS4)
Runner's Farm (PS4)

Runner's Farm (PS4)

par Know-Farmer

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Welcome to John Runner's Farm set originally in the 1980's where the coaster revolution has begun! Enjoy multiple old timer wooden coasters or try your hand at the experimental "LOOP" coaster, one of the first coasters to have an inversion! Located on Runner's Farm, the farmer, John, invested his new income from the oil discovery into an amusement park! Enjoy! Added Runner's Flyer, The American Arrow, The Return, and Free Flyer! Version 2.0.0 Added the 1990 era of coasters bringing three brand new coasters to the park! Can you survive Walker's Fear, Tidal Wave, and Angered Fury?! Version 2.0.1 adjusted coaster wait times and overall stability. Version 2.0.3 The 2000's are finally here! Try out your over thrills at the new Mountain coaster, or test test your fear on Max Force! Want to relax on some flat rides? We've got The Hammer and The Screamer to keep you covered! Plan to make a PS5 version with new additions and will be testing the PS4 version. Enjoy!