Manor Lodge Park PS5 Expansion Update
par InsomniacYouTube
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Welcome to Manor Lodge Park, Everything the PS4 version offers and more. The park has been built around big sight lines. Use plipcam to access high points and use L and R2 to zoom in and out, this can also be done with the many cctv cameras around the park, some are on air balloons. Most balconies can be accessed in plipcam, there is some hunting games for plipcam and a prize for completing the treasure hunt, watch the park tour on my Youtube Channel @Insomniac2017 to find out more on the treasure hunt, some tips and clues in my tour. I hope you enjoy the park. Moved around some things and fixed some issues. Enjoy. OLD YOUTUBE: @insomniac2017 New YOUTUBE: @insomniactube