by Lazarus
map …
768 mods
by Lazarus
map …
by UKNightWatch
The Blessed mountain is fought over for its religious significance, strategic value and mineral rights. Everyone agrees the Blessed Mountain is theirs. A beginer project that is playable and beatable. Enjoy. …
by the-iron-warrior
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by Beserker
Dangerous swamp between two hills with three victory points …
by Mijo22PewPew
2v2 King of the hil …
by Cladios Nocta
The Orruks built this bridge on the back bones of an ancient dragon from the old times. Try to cross it if you dare, shall you fail, your bones will become part of the bridge too 1v1 push the front line but be aware of counter attacks …
by Cladios Nocta
I recommend playing in difficulty 3 or 4 and to play Stormcast VS Nghthaunt Prepare for war, pressure and death... It is also a great map to test & learn armies build & weaknesses. The strategic point is at the gate. Take it an hold it, if you can …
by taylrr615
This is a map by Taylor! Here I really wanted to do something crazy, so I created this huge canyon inbetween two regions - a crazy corrupted swamp and a city trying to rise up. There's a magical floating island in the middle to fight over! …
by demnslyer2
yo i wanted to use the level creator and make this cool map i thought of, check it out theres this stormcast city in the swamp with a river that ur guys can run over kinda like classic rts maps …
by taylrr615
This is a map by Taylor! In this map, there's the grey swamp that is expanding out into the sulphur region creating a cool contrast between the two regions. I placed the bases in uneven positions to create some cool gameplay! …
by Thunderqueen85
check out this map I've made where a settlement overlooks murky swamps below, where sneaky orruks plot to destroy the city a fun asymmetrical battleground :) …
by Vale
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