Space Adventure Experience Coaster
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Do not reset coaster!! Please pause time when loaded in and jump straight onto the rollercoaster. This is a pov space travel experience, a launch into space from Earth in the year 2149. Our mission will take us to another galaxy, where we may encounter an alien race. But we consider these aliens to be hostile, try not to be captured and make it back in one piece for the party, daft punk is performing! A sci-fi rollercoaster created by AFistfulofHerbs , for the players - not the npcs (please note - keep coaster in testing, do not reset. If you do reset, you must pause time, then reset the coaster chain in ride operations, also stay in seat 1 for best experience) Special thanks to fellow planco creator CaKesT for ideas, thoughts + inspiration. …