Sci fi tunnel part
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Sci fi tunnel or hallway …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Sci fi tunnel or hallway …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Fire tunnel …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Tired of this hotel being updated EVERY DAY? Watch it explode and burn. Move closer to hear the screams from within. Try to find where grizzly is! Tower created by ofcourse the legendary constantly updating Grizzly251-18, sequenced to loop every hour, All in gd fun, the super tallest hotel on planet coaster pleasse like, subscribe, tell your mum and her best friend. UPDATE- FIXED Explosion glitch on roof and moved a window 1mm to the left, then pressed undo. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Creature 1 …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Following on from the events of Space Adventure... The threat level is high with an alien response attack imminent. You are an officer driving home from work, your job is using new technology to teleport people directly to our HQ spaceship in orbit. Will you make it to safety? NOTES = This is an experience coaster so please pause when loaded, jump straight onto coaster and stay in seat 1. DO NOT RESET coaster. This is a WIP covering 6 months and the end is still unfinished. There may be a no water glitch for a particular scene if viewed on a PS5. Special thanks to CaKesT + Commander-_86_- for ideas and blueprints. Special thanks to all PlanCo Tycoons. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
The big ol west hotel gets blasted by score22cgn everyday so i blasted it back , just fun n games . Not like this is a competition. Enjoy. It loops every 2 hrs ingame (1min?) suiting scores updating schedule, just kidding._ …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
In memory of my good friend, RIP CaKesT. This game isnt the same without you. Inspired by his idea of a space race. Experience 3 coasters dueling across the map.This is still a WIP- plz ignore ratings, many updates and changes to be expected and the winner may not always be the same. Made by AfistfulofHerbs. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Appearing words test concept, use the sequencer to play, currently set to loop once an hour. Can be used for darkrides. Pretty difficult to select letters once set unfortunately. This idea is inspired by pixelated works. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Separate bridge for custom spaceships, starships or alien ufos. For space or sci-fi themes. Includes sequenced weaponry - one heavy front missle launcher with precision aim. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Pause once loaded, jump on coaster then play.. Do not reset coaster - What is LSD? ... Lunar Solar Duality ... A high speed visual coaster park experience for the players, not the NPC. A Psychedelic Ladder to the Seventh DiM3 N5ion. Includes scenery creations by CaKesT, NH99_SVW, Bozmidgetslayer, Hobobillie, Simulator77 and DjangoTremp_84. Special thanks for inspiration and advice from all Planet Coaster Tycoons. TAKE NOTE again - Pause when loaded in, click onto coaster view, switch to seat 2 for best experience. DO NOT RESET COASTER - Keep in testing, only reset coaster using the coaster chain operation tab. Created by AFistfulofHerbs - Happy world acid day 419 and Happy 420 ! …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Make sure to visit the main attraction! The Spooky rollercoaster. My first custom themed coaster …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Pov experience coaster based loosely on house of dragon. Join the battle, lay siege to the castle and face off with dragons. All castle and structures made by terrain moulding. Special thanks to DjangoTremp_84 and CaKesT for dragon blueprints. Hail PlanCo Tyc00ns. Rip CaKesT …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Alien space ship equipped with sequenced missles and automatic weapons. Adventure dlc only required. …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Alien spaceship equipped with missles and automatic guns. Also a Laser (best used at night - seperately grouped) …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
A new experience coaster - Ep 4. Dimensional Mind Traveller will take you on a psychedelic journey beyond time and space. Explore the nature of consciousness and the relationship between mind and matter. Set in the year 3150, sheltered beneath New Earth - we harvest energy from the bedrock to access the seventh dimension. Watch this process using the centre console sequencer. NOTE - This is still a wip. The main coaster and bonus mini theme park will be regularly updated. I do recommend muting park music and playing your own music during the coaster for greater experience. Special thanks to all Planco Ty****s for always inspiring. Rip CaKesT. Some minor lag issues have hopefully been resolved by shutting the park and all rides. Try to find my hidden grow rooms and small easter eggs hidden in the sheltered base. By AFistfulOfHerbs …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Prepare to launch from Earth into outer space. A giant rocket with launch control sequencing. Updated - Fixed grouping, lowered object count. Added space shuttle ship. Grouped seperately. By AFistfulofHerbs …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Psychedelic effect , place and allow to settle, then press play on sequencer or set to continuous. AFistfulofHerbs …
作成者: AFistfulOfHerbs
Psychedelic effect, place and allow to settle, then press play on sequencer or set to continuous …