作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
"Intamin" multilaunch, 2 launched, no inversions, only airtime, made with trains from taron by Coaster Engineer because its inspired by taron …
作成者: Sbinada
Intamin Blitz on the mack lsm launched, trains created by dist, 2 trains, 4 inversions, lot of ejector …
作成者: Sbinada
Mon premier vekoma launch et cest trop smooth de fou, 4 trains, large, would be a 4 car trains but not in the game for the moment …
作成者: Sbinada
作成者: Sbinada
RMC I-Box, made with trains from DereckSoBRZY and lift structure from Limitless_FN, 3 trains, 4 inversions, big and tall …
作成者: Sbinada
Intamin wing, inspired by skyrush, lot of ejector, has a triple up …