Smithsonian New National
作成者: Taz
detailed zoo …
20430 MOD
作成者: Taz
detailed zoo …
作成者: Joey
作成者: CoolRJK
This will be my first finnished zoo, since I abandoned my old zoo "Blue Tree Wildlife Park". I will try to make most things by myself but so****ings will be from the workshop. Feel free to use so****ings in this zoo as insporations or just blueprint it! Pls leave a like. Thanks! …
作成者: Grace
作成者: Squall
作成者: Kokkie
作成者: ASRH92
Two Arctic Foxes Enclosures for Blue & Arctic foxes, with indoor snowy area and outdoor river, cave, climbing rocks. Full with loads of Enrichments, Guest area and Breath taking views. …
作成者: Zookeeper360
After over 120 hours of work, Zoo Congo is finally complete! It includes 4 different areas, and over 25 different species. It is my very first park, and I worked incredibly hard to create the most detailed park that I am capable of. Enjoy exploring Zoo Congo, and feel free to tour or spotlight the park if you please! …
作成者: Farva
Section 4 of big zoo, big updates for new DLC include Polar Bear, Reindeer, Arctic Wolf, and Dall Sheep, with upgrades for Tropical America section too. 34% WIP. Polar / South America / Oceania themes and animals, more updates with new DLC as it comes out. Thx to community for ideas and inspiration. …
作成者: RenownedWarrior
作成者: Nesters
作成者: Toto89
作成者: The Gra
The famous truck ride through the Harambe Wildlife Preserve in Animal Kingdom of Walt Disney World. …
作成者: MWells1999
First attempt at a large zoo. Run without guests on …
作成者: Yodaman2908
作成者: Sdav88
Een kleine zoo met ijsberen.emoe enz …
作成者: Rabidflamingo
作成者: Badwolf1
Giant Spider Sculpture …